1.2. Book chapters
Henny Slegh and Annemiek Richters (2012) “Masculinity and gender-based violence in Rwanda: The potential contribution of community-based strategies to make a change”, in Jane Freedman, ed. Engaging men in the fight against gender violence: Case studies from Africa, pp 131-158. Palgrave Macmillan. Engaging Men
Cora Dekker (2011) “Sociotherapy in the great lakes region of Africa: Group reflections and lessons learned from blocked social patterns in Congolese and Rwandan communities”, in Marian Tankink and Marianne Vysma, eds. Roads and boundaries: Travels in search of (re)connection, pp. 46-56. Diemen: AMB Publishers.
Emmanuel Ngendahayo & Theoneste Rutyaisire (2011) “Travelling interventions and post-conflict societies: Doing sociotherapy in Rwanda”, in Marian Tankink and Marianne Vysma, eds. Roads and boundaries: Travels in search of (re)connection, pp. 142-150. Diemen: AMB Publishers.
Annemiek Richters (2010) “Suffering and healing in the aftermath of war and genocide in Rwanda: Mediations through community-based sociotherapy”, in Lidwien Kapteijns & Annemiek Richters, eds. Mediations of violence in Africa: Fashioning new futures from contested pasts. Leiden: Brill, pp. 173-210. brill.com/view/book
Annemiek Richters (2010) “De spin en het web: Een context-gestuurde benadering van psychosociaal lijden”, in Huub Beijers & Rob van Dijk, red. Kralen zonder ketting: Een verkenning van het antropologisch perspectief in de GGZ, pp. 2-7. Diemen: AMB
Annemiek Richters (2009) “Misery and resilience among war widows in the North of Rwanda: Individual and social healing through the mediation of sociotherapy”, in Sjaak van der Geest & Marian Tankink eds. Theory and action: Essays for an anthropologist, pp. 170-178. Amsterdam: AMB.
Annemiek Richters (2008) “The value of sociotherapy for women with experiences of rape”, In Annemiek Richters et al. eds., Here we are: Community-based sociotherapy in Bymba, Rwanda, Heemstede: SMART, pp. 121-128.
Mediations of violence in Africa — Annemiek Richters (2010) “Suffering and healing in the aftermath of war and genocide in Rwanda: Mediations through community-based sociotherapy”, in Lidwien Kapteijns & Annemiek Richters, eds. Mediations of violence in Africa: Fashioning new futures from contested pasts. Leiden: Brill, pp. 173-210.