24 April 2012

Annemiek Richters, “Ethnicity issues in Rwanda in the postgenocide period”. Keynote for seminar organised by Center for Ethnic Studies and Development, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

28 April 2012

Annemiek Richters, “Temu Ilmiah: Community Based Sociotherapy after massive trauma”. Seminar organised by Pyschology Faculty Atma Jaya University Jakarta Indonesia.

27 June 2012

Annemiek Richters, “Stories of hope”, Presentation for Project Election organized by Books 4 Life. Amsterdam. Winner of the election. See: Books 4 Life

22 October 2012

Theophile Sewimfura, “Transforming identity-based conflicts through community-based sociotherapy in Bugesera”. Presentation Research Conference ‘In search of peace: Dialogues between theories and practices’, 20-24 October 2012, Norrköping, Sweden.

8 December 2012

Annemiek Richters and Grace Kagoyire, “About life, death and rebirth: Voices of Rwandan female genocide survivors”. Paper presentation International Conference “Engaging the other: Breaking intergenerational cycles of repetition”, 5-8 December 2012, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa.