PhD research projects

Supervison of PhD students

Simon Groen

Cultural identity and trauma: Construction of meaning among Afghan and Iraqi refugees under treatment in Dutch mental health care. University of Amsterdam. 4 December 2019.

Promotor: Prof.dr. W.L.J.M. Devillé

Co-promotores: Prof.dr. J.M. Richters and Dr. C.J. Laban

Theoneste Rutayisire

Neither here nor there: The impact of community justice on everyday life in post-genocide Rwanda. University of Amsterdam. 11 June 2018.

Promotor: Prof.dr. Saskia Wieringa

Co-promotores: Prof.dr. J.M. Richters and Dr. E. Moyer

Heidi Sauls

Young boys behind bars: An ethnographic study of violence and care in South Africa. University of Amsterdam. 19 March 2015.

Supervisors: Promotores Prof.dr. J.M. Richters and Prof.dr. R. Reis

Co-supervisor: Prof.dr. S. Pendlebury

Godfrey Maringira

Soldiers in exile: The military habitus and identities of former Zimbabwean soldiers in South Africa. University of the Western Cape, Capetown, South Africa. 18 March 2015.

Supervisor: Prof.dr. D. M. Gibson

Co-supervisors: Prof.dr. J M Richters and Dr L Nunez

Joan van Wijk

Violence, drugs and crochet: An ethnography of masculinities, and changing gender relations on the Mexican Riviera. Free University, Amsterdam. 20 June 2014. Second supervisor. Prof.dr. Oscar Samelink. Co-supervisors: Dr. Ton Salman and Dr. Lorraine Nencel.

Yongsak Tantipidoke

Local healing in northern Thailand: An anthropological study of its effectiveness. University of Amsterdam. 12 November 2013. Co-Supervisors: Dr. Han ten Brummelhuis and Komatra Chuengsatiansup.

Read Thesis

Lianne Holten

Mothers, medicine and morality in rural Mali: An ethnographic study of therapy management of pregnancy and children’s illness episodes. University of Amsterdam. 8 February 2013. Co-supervisor Dr. Jan Jansen. Thesis published by Lit Verlag.

Anneke Sools

De ontwikkeling van narratieve competentie: Bijdrage aan een onderzoeksmethodologie voor de bestudering van gezond leven [The development of narrative competence: Contribution to a research methodology for the study of healthy living]. University of Humanistics, Utrecht. 12 May 2010. Supervisors: Prof.dr. Janneke van Mens-Verhulst, Prof.dr. Adri Smaling, Prof.dr. Annemiek Richters.

Marian Tankink

Over zwijgen gesproken: Een medisch-antropologische studie onder vluchtelingenvrouwen in Nederland, afkomstig uit Afghanistan, Bosnië-Herzegovina en Zuid Soedan, naar het omgaan met ervaringen van aan oorlog gerelateerd seksueel geweld. [Over being silent: A medical anthropological study of refugee women in the Netherlands, from Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina and South Sudan, coping with experiences of war-related sexual violence]. Co-supervisor: Dr. Els van Dongen. Leiden University. 9 September 2009. Thesis published by Pharos, Utrecht.

Marie Lindegaard

Coconuts, gangsters and rainbow fighters: How male youngsters navigate situations of violence in Cape Town, South Africa. University of Amsterdam. 12 June 2009. Co-supervisors: Dr. Ria Reis and Dr. Diana Gibson. Book based on thesis to be published by Routledge.

Grace Akello-Ayebare

Wartime children's suffering and quests for therapy in northern Uganda. Leiden University. 20 May 2009. Co-supervisors: Dr. Ria Reis and Dr. Charles Rabukwali.

Thesis published as book (2010) by African Studies Center, Leiden.

Lorena Nunez Carrasco

Living on the margins: Illness and health care among Peruvian migrants to Chile. Leiden University. 16 September 2008. Co-supervisors: Dr. Ton Salman and Dr. Juan Carlos Skewes.

Papreen Nahar

Childness in Bangladesh: Suffering and resilience among rural and urban women. University of Amsterdam. 3 October 2007. Second supervisor: Prof.dr. Sjaak van der Geest. Co-supervisor: Dr. Winny Koster.

Victor Igreja

The monkey’s sworn oath: Cultures of engagement for reconciliation and healing in the aftermath of the civil war in Mozambique. 5 June 2007. Leiden University. Co-supervisor: Dr. Ria Reis and Dr. Irae Baptista Lundin.

Anne Marie Wattie

Violence in the day-to-day lives of women plantation workers in Central Java, Indonesia. University of Amsterdam 17 December 2004. Second supervisor: Prof.dr. Sjaak van der Geest.

Supervision of postdocs (completed)

Dr. Jyotsna Gupta

Dr. Marina Jonkers