4 mei 2011
Annemiek Richters (2011) “De vrijheid om te herdenken”. Dodenherdenking, Heemstede
7 July 2011
Annemiek Richters, Theoneste Rutayisire, Marian Tankink (2011) Panel ‘Gender and conflict in the Great Lakes Region of Africa: Causes, consequences and interventions. LOVA International Conference 2011: Ethnographies of Gender and Conflict, 6-8 July 2011. Organized and chaired by Annemiek Richters. Contributions:
Richters: War rape in Rwanda and the DRC: Comparison of types, impacts, coping and healing.
Rutayisire: Gender relations and conflicts in Rwanda in the context of culture: Talking about everyday life through the mediation of community-based sociotherapy.
Tankink: Gender-based violence in a refugee camp for Congolese refugees in Rwanda: The development of a community-based intervention.
Abstracts in Conference Abstract Book.
29 August 2011
Annemiek Richters and Theoneste Rutyaisire, “Sociotherapy in the Great Lakes Region: Its philosophy, practices and accomplishments”. Cordaid, The Hague.
Followed by a presentation by Pim Scholte.
14 September 2011
Theoneste Rutyaisire & Annemiek Richters, “The effectiveness of psychosocial support after mass atrocity: The experience of a community-based sociotherapy program in Rwanda”, Joint Uniting Streams - NVTG symposium “An Ideal Match?! Connecting NGOs and Academia in Research for Global Health”. De Rode Hoed, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
30 September 2011
Annemiek Richters (2011) Valedictory Address in Dutch. Abstract in English.
Afscheidscollege ‘Weer mens worden: Over geweld, sociale pijn en gezondheid voor iedereen’. Leiden, 30 september.
6 oktober 2011
Annemiek Richters, “Seksueel geweld in de context van oorlog: Gevolgen, overleven en interventies”, Jaarcongres VVR: ‘Geweld tegen vrouwen in oorlog- en conflictsituaties’, Utrecht.
8, 21, 22 December 2011
Annemiek Richters, 3 lectures for Serious Request, Leiden.
1. “Elke dag opnieuw dood gaan en toch overleven: Ervaringen van moeders in Rwanda en Kongo”, Serious Request Lezing, Academiegebouw Universiteit Leiden. Organisatie Universiteit Leiden.
Verslag van de bijeenkomst door Saskia Stoelinga in Leidsch Dagblad, 15 december 2011 onder de titel “Studenten”.
2. “Intersection of justice and health in the life of mothers affected by war in various post-conflict African contexts: The role of the state and the international community as compared to other actors in recovery processes”.
Organisatie: Studentenvereniging voor Internationale Betrekkingen (SIB), Themagroep Internationale Organisaties
3. “Laat je pen vruchtbaar zijn”, Lezing tijdens kerstmarkt georganiseerd door Studentenvereniging voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Leiden (SOL) in samenwerking met verenigingen van de Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen van de Universiteit Leiden (Studieverenigingen van de Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen ( HSVL, SOL, LKV, TFLS, Gibalaux, Tanuki, Albion, Symposium, InterLatina en de Leidsche Fles). Arsenaal Universiteit Leiden.