4 December 2013 - Makers of a better future
Plaatsingsdatum: 6-dec-2013 12:17:08
The MA thesis Makers of a better future: Assisting young men to navigate mental health and socio-economic problems in post-conflict northern Uganda by Jan Apperloo was nominated for the thesis prize 'Visions of Peace'.
The award ceremony took place on 4 December 2013 at the Free University.
As his supervisor, I had the honour to represent Jan at this ceremony, since he himself could not be present in person.
However, he presented his research on a short youtube film, Makers of a better future, which was shown during the ceremony.
The thesis was not awarded with the thesis prize, but got many words of appreciation.
I consider the nomination of the thesis as an acknowledgement of the potential contributions mental health and psychosocial interventions can make to a peaceful future.
The NGO Acoke Rural Development Initiatives ARDI
hosted the research
ARDI is a war-recovery initiative by young people in Lira, northern Uganda