Publications 2017
Plaatsingsdatum: 2-apr-2018 15:57:41
Groen, S. P. N., Richters, A., Laban C.J., Devillé, W. L. J. M. (2017) Implementation of the Cultural Formulation through a newly developed Brief Cultural Interview: Pilot data from the Netherlands. Transcultural Psychiatry 54(1):3–22. DOI: 10.1177/1363461516678342
Available from:
First Online: December 15, 2016
Ingabire, C.M., Kagoyire, G., Karangwa, D. Ingabire, N., Habarugira, N., Jansen, A. & Richters, A. (2017) Trauma informed restorative justice through community based
sociotherapy in Rwanda. Intervention: Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas 15(1):241-253.
Abstract available from
Berckmoes, L., Eichelsheim, V., Rutayisire, T., Richters, A. and Hola, B. (2017) “How legacies of genocide are transmitted in the family environment: A qualitative study of two generations in Rwanda. Societies 7, 24; doi:10.3390/soc7030024
Available from: