Book Chapters
Emeritus Professor Annemiek Richters | From gifted loner to academic pioneer
Eylard van Hall
For Annemiek | Some history, a tribute and a personal note
Eduard Bonsel
A Dutch view of medical anthropology | Criticisms and suggestions
Thomas Maretzki
Age and high risk pregnancies | To what extent is knowing a contributor to medicalisation and suffering?
Grace Akello
A family | The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Ria Borra
Partner choice, arranged and forced marriages | Perspective of young people and their parents in the Dutch multicultural society
Leyla Cinibulak
Tale of Bosnia | What does it mean to live in Bosnia & Herzegovina? Live in a lie or illusion?
Milka Dančević-Gojković
Sociotherapy in the great lakes region of Africa | Group reflections and lessons learned from blocked social patterns in Congolese and Rwandan communities
Cora Dekker
The cultural interview | Connecting people?
Rob van Dijk
Loneliness and distress in old age | A note from Ghana
Sjaak van der Geest
Paternalism, gender and violence on wine farms | The Western Cape, South Africa in the early 1990’s
Diana Gibson
Seven years in Babel | Anthropological encounters in psychiatry
Simon Groen
‘Marriage is not a Boubou’ | The dark side of social capital
Lianne Holten
On death and family and anthropology
Arthur Kleinman
Asylum seekers facing indifference and inhumanity in the Netherlands
Sander Kramer & Ferko Ory
HIV sero-discordant couples and social capital in the great lakes region | Reflections on a theoretical framework
Anke van der Kwaak, Hermen Ormel, Rose Olayo & Betty Kwagala
Peer rejection in adolescence
Riny van Melzen
Socio-cultural inequities in health research | What does the intersectionality framework offer?
Janneke van Mens-Verhulst & Lorraine Radtke
Understanding the stigma of childlessness through the meaning of ‘mandatory motherhood’
Papreen Nahar
Travelling interventions and post-conflict societies | Doing sociotherapy in Rwanda
Emmanuel Ngendahayo & Theoneste Rutayisire
‘In Peru nobody dies of hunger’ | Weight loss and food practices among Peruvian domestic workers in Chile
Lorena Nunez C. & Dany Holper
The asylum request and the medical evidence
Janus Oomen
Amoebiasis – what’s the problem?
Ton Polderman
Depressive devitalisation and pervasive refusal syndrome | New child idioms of distress?
Ria Reis
The power of blood
Mineke Schipper
Friendship (and healing) in the ‘intersubjectivity of silence’ | A case illustration
Nasima Selim
Listening to women in the Congo | ‘Sharing being human’
Henny Slegh
‘We are now married with the UNHCR’ | Domestic violence in the context of refugee camps
Marian Tankink
Sorrow and hope among people with a life-threatening illness and those closest to them
Martine Verwey
Competing loyalties | The case of female genital mutilation
Erick Vloeberghs & Monica van Berkum, Pharos
Trauma dreams and reconnection
Marianne Vysma
The human rights discourse and disempowerment of indigenous migrant men in Mexico
Joan van Wijk
About the authors
List of financial contributors
Book marker
Monique Jongerius-Joras